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Alkaline Diet: Let’s get it right about pH testing and blood pH.

Salivary and urinary pH are not a reflection of blood pH. We supply a handy free pH test kit here in Australia and it’s a good ‘indicator’ of our general pH levels. However here are some important things to consider when looking at your results. Saliva pH actually tells us very little. [sociallocker id=”16709″] Saliva […]

Is it Possible to Maintain Alkaline Balance on a Diet including Meat?

Here are the 13 reasons why our bodies, if given the right nutrition, will be so much more alkaline when including meat in the diet. 1.   On the Alkaline Paleo diet stress is greatly relieved.  Stress is the greatest acidifier and getting the right nutrition will calm the mind enormously.  It’s been both mine and Ian’s […]

Am I a Victim Because I Can’t Eat Wheat, Sugar and Lots of Carbs?

Can’t we ever eat like a ‘normal person’ again and be healthy? “Why can’t I just eat  like a normal person?”  is a frequent cry I hear from my fellow sufferers. Eating like a ‘normal person’ in this era of such a high carbohydrate and  processed diet cannot be sustained by most people without they […]

Why Red Cabbage Sauerkraut is SO good! (plus a recipe)

There are many, many good reasons for eating homemade red cabbage sauerkraut! Sauerkraut is a natural probiotic which helps gut bacteria to become healthy. Sauerkraut  aids the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach to increase digestion Sauerkraut is easy to digest as the cellulose has been broken down so bad bacteria in the gut don’t […]

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