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New AlkalIne Diet and what to do about those nasty cravings.

Almost everybody who starts our New Alkaline diet has to deal with cravings. I’m sure even Elle McPherson went through them. Unless you never ate sugar in your life, you’ve had cravings. Yet… knowing that it’s a common problem doesn’t make it any easier for you. We’ve found that these tactics help a lot. We are asking a […]

Breakfast: is it your ‘Meal of the Day’?

Cassie the Dietician isn’t Cassie the researcher and originator of the New Alkaline Diet. THAT Cassie is my partner, but Cassie the Dietician is also a brilliant researcher on a parallel path to us here at AlkaWay. She’s very much into Paleo and Low Carb, so are we. So I’m happy to add some links to some […]

Is it Possible to Maintain Alkaline Balance on a Diet including Meat?

Here are the 13 reasons why our bodies, if given the right nutrition, will be so much more alkaline when including meat in the diet. 1.   On the Alkaline Paleo diet stress is greatly relieved.  Stress is the greatest acidifier and getting the right nutrition will calm the mind enormously.  It’s been both mine and Ian’s […]

Boost Your Dental Health: How Diet Affects Your Teeth

Percentages of Teeth Attacked By Dental Caries in Primitive and Modernized Groups From Statistics by Dr Weston A Price. Group:          Primitive Diet       Agrarian Diet Swiss                           4.60                   […]

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